Hibiki Japanese Harmony encapsulates the harmony that exists between Japanese nature and people. Inspired by the riches and subtleties of Japan’s 24 seasons and mastered by Suntory’s Art of Blending, Hibiki Japanese Harmony is a meticulous blend of the finest select whiskies from the House of Suntory Whisky. It is a symphony of at least 10 malt and grain whiskies, aged in five different types of casks, from Japan most renowned distilleries. This delicate blend creates an oneness unfolding a full orchestra of flavors and aromas. The Suntory Whisky blending team is led by third-generation Master Blender and grandson of the founder, Shingo Torii, and fourth Chief Blender Shinji Fukuyo.
Whether enjoyed neat, on the rocks, blended with water or mixed as a cocktail, the harmony of this blend remains complete. It is a delicately balanced, smooth and subtly sweet blended whisky that enhances any dining experience. We recommend it be enjoyed with a hand-carved ice ball for the ultimate Japanese whisky experience. Hibiki is embraced as the paragon of the Art of Japanese Whisky.
₱ 30,800.00